Pygmy seahorse

10 underwater highlights you must see in Indonesia

If you have been diving in Indonesia you will know how lucky you are. If you haven’t been diving in Indonesia – you must!

This amazing country is made up of over 17,000 islands and, being an island nation, has surrounding waters that are absolutely brimming with rich marine biodiversity.

Sitting within the Coral Triangle, an area of world renown which is famed for the record-breaking variety of life it contains, there are so many highlights to the diving.

Here, however, are 10 of the best.


1 Wobbegong Sharks
Also known as carpet sharks, wobbegong blend seamlessly into reefs. Their ornate patterns provide perfect camouflage, allowing them to remain concealed while ambushing prey. Diving in Raja Ampat offers a great chance to spot these elusive masters of disguise – but you have to keep your eyes peeled!


2 Pygmy Seahorses

These tiny, tiny creatures are a thing of absolute beauty. Just like the wobbegong they are very hard to spot, but not just because they blend in with their surroundings. They hide among vibrant coral fans measure with their camouflage requiring sharp eyes and patience to find them. But this task is made even tougher by the fact these colourful marvels measure just a few millimetres in length.


3 Walking Sharks
Best found on a night dive, lurking in the shallow reefs of the Raja Ampat region is a very special kind of shark – one that walks. Also known as epaulette sharks, these small predators use their pectoral fins to ‘walk’ across the seafloor in search of prey. Seeing their unusual movements and patterned bodies makes a great watch!


4 Black Mantas
Found across Indonesia’s nutrient-rich waters, some of the best places to see black manta are in Komodo National Park. There’s a reason sites like Manta Point and Manta Alley got their nicknames! The black manta’s broad wings create a breathtaking spectacle – and incredible underwater silhouette – as they glide by making graceful loops while feeding on plankton.


5 Barracuda Tornado
A ‘tornado’ of barracuda is such a thrilling sight to see. Thousands of silver bodies dart and spin – sometimes covering an area many metres wide – reflecting sunlight as they go. As you get closer the school of fish will part dramatically, only to reconverge again. It is such a fabulous natural spectacle and one you will marvel at.


6 Mantis Shrimp
As the old saying (almost) goes: it’s not the size of the shrimp in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the shrimp. The mantis shrimp might only measure around six inches long but it has incredible speed and a pound-for-pound punch unparalleled by any other creature. With their ‘hammer claw’ they break the shells of their prey with a strike that is 50 times faster than the blink of an eye, has the same trajectory as a .22 calibre bullet, and a force some 100 times that of its weight. Oh, and it’s not a mantis or a shrimp but a stomatopod.

Mantis shrimp
Mantis shrimp

7 Critters Galore
Indonesia is a macro paradise. There are far too many to mention but the likes of flamboyant cuttlefish, blue-ringed octopus and brightly-coloured nudibranchs means every dive will unveil a new treasure in this critter-packed environment.


8 Schools of Bumphead Parrotfish
The distinctive bumphead parrotfish is a wonderful sight grazing coral reefs throughout Indonesia. With bulbous foreheads and beak-like mouths, these gentle giants crunch coral to extract algae. Their feeding activity helps shape reef structures, creating fresh surfaces for corals to grow.


9 Whalesharks

Gentle giants by nature, they glide gracefully while filtering huge volumes of the plankton-rich water with their cavernous mouths. Despite their size, these spotted behemoths pose no threat to divers and observing them up close is an awesome experience.


10 Stunning Coral Gardens
Indonesia boasts stunning coral gardens bursting with colour and life. Towering sea fans, vibrant sponges, and intricate hard corals form a sprawling underwater tapestry. Teeming with macro creatures and schooling fish, these reefs are a vivid example of nature’s brilliance.

Our stunning liveaboards Emperor Harmoni and Emperor Raja Laut are ready provide you with all the comfort you need while taking you to the beautiful sites that house these incredible creatures. Want to find out more? Speak to our team on [email protected] or via the webchat and they will be happy to answer all your questions.

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