The Maldives features right at the top of any diver’s list of ‘want-to-see’ destinations. It’s simply amazing.
And while there is so much life beneath the waves, two species always seem to grab the attention when visiting this beautiful country – sharks and rays.
So, here are 10 of the highlights we advise to look out for when you join us in paradise!
1 Whalesharks
The largest fish in the world is a huge (literally) favourite in the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives. Whalesharks cruise around feeding on rich plankton blooms and observing these gentle giants up close is an unforgettable experience. Their size and distinctive spot patterns are awe-inspiring.
2 Manta Rays
Another ever-popular diving experience is to bask in the graceful presence of the manta ray. Both during the day, as they gather at cleaning stations to be rid of parasites, and at night they are a sight to behold.
3 Grey Reef Sharks
It’s always a rush when you see grey reef sharks patrolling their territory. They gather in groups during the day but hunt alone at night and their streamlined bodies and bold demeanour make each encounter memorable. Commonly encountered near channels, they are one of the more aggressive sharks but rarely cause issues to humans unless it feels really threatened.
4 Tiger Sharks
Named for the vertical bars that cover its sides (although they fade a bit as they mature), the tiger is the fourth largest shark and second largest predatory shark, behind only the great white. They are known for eating just about anything they can capture although – you will be pleased to know – attacks on humans are very rare.
5 Blacktip Reef Sharks
Their distinctive fin tips cut gracefully through the water as they navigate reefs in small groups. Curious but cautious, they keep a comfortable distance. The blacktip is territorial and doesn’t travel too far and can be found in shallow waters around coral reefs and lagoons.
6 Zebra Sharks
The zebra shark can be confused for the leopard shark due its spot-patterned body. By day, they often rest on sandy bottoms, docile and approachable. At night, they become active hunters and can squeeze into narrow crevices to look for food. Generally, though, they like to lie around do not a lot!
7 Guitar Sharks
With their flattened bodies and elongated snouts, this is not actually a shark at all but a ray. Their shape is incredibly distinctive which makes them easy to spot – even if there are relatively few of them around. The are classified as endangered owing to a large drop in their numbers in recent years.
8 Mobula Rays
You don’t necessarily need to be a diver to see these fascinating animals. Mobula rays are known to leap dramatically from the water’s surface – although no one is 100 per cent why. Smaller than mantas but equally impressive, they congregate around plankton-rich currents when not leaping through the air!
9 Eagle Rays
The iconic eagle ray is one with spotted wings and long whip-like tails. However, there around 20 distinct species including the common eagle ray, the Australian eagle ray, and the banded eagle ray. Like mobulas, they possess the ability to leap out of the water and spotted eagle rays are distinguishable from each other due to the pattern on their wings being unique.
10 Nurse Sharks
From the family Ginglymostomatidae (which derives from ‘hinge’ and ‘mouth’), the nurse shark is a nocturnal animal that spends most of its day in large groups but doing very little. In fact, they are also nicknamed ‘sleep sharks’. Because they are docile, it is easy for divers to get up close to these large predators.
We have five beautiful liveaboards waiting to guide you around the stunning clear-blue waters of the Maldives. Want to find out more? Speak to our team on [email protected] or via the webchat and they will be happy to answer all your questions.